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“Dream, struggle, create, prevail.
Be daring. Be brave. Be loving.
Be compassionate. Be strong.
Be brilliant. Be beautiful.” - Caterina Fake

When you have gone through a life-changing event - one that moulded you, that made you question your existence, that reshaped your thinking and how you see the world – you will never be the same person again. This is called growth.


Life shapes us into who we authentically need to be. Embrace it!

“In a time of challenge, you need to find ways to move your organization past its threshold, past its limits, to do things that you and your colleagues couldn’t do before.” — Art Kleiner


This is not only true for businesses but for you as an individual as well. It is during these times when we find out what we are really capable of. You are always stronger than you think!


"The task ahead of you is never greater than the strength within you." – Anon


The world needs more love. Be the light and share your love, even if it is just one drop at a time.


Our desire for meaning and purpose in life should be fuelled by our personal passion and vision for our lives.


Living implies meaning. Existing is mechanical.

Taken scientifically, living is biological. Existing is physical.

But, to truly live we have to lead ourselves. This form of self-leadership is the ability to guide ourselves to positive places that we have never been before.

It enables us to fulfil our potential while building a strong foundation from which to make daily decisions - both in our professional and personal lives.


“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” ― Aristotle

It is important to know and understand your strength because only then can you truly add value.


To succeed we have to turn our failures into our strengths.


Let's start to love failure because it is a wonderful opportunity to learn and to improve.

We all have secrets, don't we?


We may not think much of the secrets we keep, but according to the Neuroscience Institute secrets damage your well-being and affect your focus and decision-making abilities. Secrets cause isolation and hurt us emotionally – affecting our performance in various aspects of our lives.


How do we free ourselves from this unnecessary and powerful hold that secrets have over our lives? Speak up! Find a trustworthy source in whom you can confide and can give you advice from an unbiased perspective.

When our views about life are challenged, we realise how little we actually know. Some things are just not meant to be understood - and that's okay.


"Most people have the will to win, few have the will to prepare to win." - Bobby Knight

Being successful requires hard work and preparation. You will never be successful if you are not willing to put in the effort required to reach the top.


Can you believe that it is Springtime already? What happened to the time?

If I look back over the past 8 months, it feels like a distant memory. It makes you realise why it is so important to be in the moment and to enjoy every day as it is presented to YOU.


Cherish moments - cherish your family - cherish your friends because one day they will also be a memory.


Challenges are part of life.

We should be grateful for these challenges. They make us grow, they stretch us, they force us to do some introspection. These challenges force us to re-evaluate our vision and our values for our lives and they remind us why we do what we do.


During the challenging times, we have to be compassionate towards others and ourselves and realise that showing compassion should not be seen as weak - in actual fact, it is a courageous thing to do.

A very important part of compassion is to tell others (and yourself) what they need to hear and not what they want to hear - with respect and always with a dash of kindness.


We all get tired and at times have to dig deep to find the motivation we need to move forward.

The one thing that helps me rise above this is to become still and practice gratitude. It is the best vitamin for your soul.


Why do we sometimes make stupid decisions?

We all have made these decisions; we knew it was stupid, but we did it anyway. We do this because our decisions are not all rational, they are a result of our inherent reasoning preferences.

When making decisions, take your time, get an outside view and consider your options.

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