In today’s world of ever-increasing speed, technology and business, what people are really craving is connection. As a leader who is dedicated to having a growth mindset, and making your organization a beneficial place to work, it is important that you know why you should be striving to help every single employee feel engaged with you, your brand and your organization.
Some interesting and, perhaps shocking, facts stated by Forbes’ contributer, Stan Phelps, give us insight into the need for employee engagement:
· 90% of employees will sacrifice income for the opportunity to do purposeful work
· 1 in 2 employees report that their jobs lack a sense of purpose
· Nearly half of all workers plan to look for a new job in the next year
Modern businesses are engaged in a competition to draw quality employees, and keep them. Think of organizations like Google and Facebook. Employees are given multiple opportunities to fill their happiness tanks at work, while also being given the incentive to grow, develop and work for a cause. These elements need to be a part of your organization’s culture and values from the start.
“We have somewhat of a social mission, and most other companies do not. I think that’s why people like working for us, and using our services... Companies goals should be to make their employees so wealthy that they do not need to work, but choose to because they believe in the company.” Larry Page- Co-Founder of Google.
An element of Employee Engagement is enabling employees to be substantial and integral members of a team. Feeling connected to others aids the sense of connectedness to the brand, and as brand ambassadors, this is of great importance. Having a united cause to work towards helps each individual play an important part in living out the values of the organization.
Forbes states that the cost to replace an employee is anything from 33% to 213% of a year’s compensation. And there you have another why. Why should you focus on Employee Engagement? You simply cannot afford not to!
With a view to creating meaningful Employee Engagement, it’s a good idea to build strategies into your organization’s culture from the foundation. (Of course, if your organization is already established, there is no time like the present to get started!)
A few elements to think of are:
· Be approachable
· Be teachable
· Care about individuals’ needs, stages of life and work styles
· Give employees a sense of purpose within your brand
· Promote behaviour that is in line with your values
· Have regular check-ins with employees
As you strive to gather the best possible employees into your organization, keep your values and corporate culture in mind. Give prospective employees something to jump out of bed for. Keep them engaged by having genuine connections, true development opportunities and intriguing ways for them to give their best towards a common goal and meaningful purpose.
Why will Employee Engagement change your business? It’s simple maths!
Fulfilled employees + Happy customers = Return business
Having good Employee Engagement will draw, and keep, quality employees who are a great fit for your organization’s goals, values and culture. Having employees that are happy and fulfilled are good brand ambassadors and service providers. That, in turn, improves the quality of experience for customers and generates more business for you. It’s a win-win-win scenario. Why not get started today? Show an employee you care by making a genuine connection, and take it from there.
For more information on Employee Engagement, please watch this space for my upcoming book!